The star makes the difference. Over the past 120 years, Mercedes-Benz has made the bus a safe, high-performance and environmentally friendly form of transportation. Both highly profitable and popular, the Citaro is revolutionizing public transport today. Thanks to its modular design, it meets all the needs of operators of urban and peri-urban public transport lines. A Citaro, whatever it is, never follows the trend, it is he who defines it!
The Tourismo Mercedes-Benz finds its place wherever you seek the perfect balance between economy, safety and comfort. Thanks to its engines, functional equipment and generous roominess, tourism has made itself indispensable in many fleets. Coach of compact dimensions for high quality services, thanks to its high level of safety and its innovative engine, the Tourismo Mercedes-Benz has met all its qualities and its versatile character in the service of travel and excursion.